Four Important Factors To Consider When Evaluating Medical Flight Providers

Posted on: 20 July 2016

Finding the right medical flight provider could be a matter of life and death for patients involved in an emergency medical situation. Medical flight providers must offer a combination of logistical prowess, medical knowledge, and expertise with operating both aviation and medical equipment. For this reason, all of the following four factors are important in evaluating medical flight providers: Location and response time In an emergency medical situation, a medical flight needs to arrive as quickly as possible. [Read More]

4 Ways To Treat Lower Back Pain At Home

Posted on: 5 July 2016

Lower back pain can make daily living miserable and can cause severe pain and discomfort. If you have been living with lower back pain and haven't tried to treat it yet, you should know about a few of the ways that you can try to treat your lower back pain right at home.  Alternate Hot and Cold Treatments On Your Lower Back To help treat your lower back pain, alternate treating it with cold and hot compresses. [Read More]

Treatment For That Annoying Ringing In Your Ear

Posted on: 22 June 2016

When the ringing just doesn't stop in your ears, you may be facing a condition called tinnitus. Some people hear ringing while others hear a "whooshing" sound. This condition rarely gets better on its own and often becomes worse. There are treatments for tinnitus and ways to help you cope with the sound so it doesn't impact your day. Here is what you need to know about this condition and how it is diagnosed and treated. [Read More]

3 Things To Know About Avoidant Personality Disorder

Posted on: 6 June 2016

Do you experience anxiety and nervousness prior to attending social events, because being around other people scares or intimidates you? Are these feelings so strong that you isolate yourself simply to avoid having to make conversation with people you do not know well? If you can relate to this, you might have a condition known as avoidant personality disorder. This condition affects around 1% of people and can make life extremely sad, lonely, and depressing. [Read More]