Four Tips For Avoiding Germs In The Pediatrician's Waiting Room

Posted on: 4 March 2016

If your child is sick or just going in for a yearly check up, it is important that you and your child are ready for the doctor's office waiting room. Understanding that other children might be sick as well and quickly spread common colds and flu is half the battle. If you feel like your child is prone to illness or already has a compromised immune system, any safeguards you can follow can help. [Read More]

Having Difficulty Holding Your Pee? What To Know

Posted on: 17 February 2016

Are you always looking for a bathroom and having to run to get there because your need to pee comes on suddenly? Are you having a hard time holding your pee and your bladder issues are starting to control your life? There are some things you can do on your own to help treat the problems that you're dealing with, and there are other things you'll want to get expert help with. [Read More]

Wrist and Hand Exercises Should Be a Part of Your Regular Routine

Posted on: 29 January 2016

If you follow a strength training program, chances are you've been working your arms and shoulders, but have you been working your hands and wrists? If not, it's time to start. Working the muscles in your forearm and your hand helps protect your wrist from sprains and strains, and if you still end up injuring your wrist, your recovery time will be easier to deal with. Here are four types of exercises that will help you gradually build up more strength in these most necessary appendages. [Read More]

Signs Your Child May Have A Concussion & How To Prevent It

Posted on: 21 January 2016

You care for your child, and you want to do everything you can to keep your child safe from things like concussions. This guide will show you how to protect your child and some of the warning signs associated with a concussion.   Signs Related To A Concussion A parent should always be cautious (this does not mean that you should be overprotective) because concussions are common enough to cause you concern, in fact, around 2. [Read More]