Are You Considering High Frequency Ultrasound Treatment For Prostrate Cancer?

Posted on: 9 November 2015

Dealing with prostrate cancer can be challenging, especially when you are faced with choosing the best and most effective treatment for it. For many men, being diagnosed with prostrate cancer can seem like a punishment and end of life sentence. However, you should know that modern medicine offers excellent treatment for prostrate cancer, some that include surgery while some do not. Learn how you can benefit from high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatment for prostrate cancer. [Read More]

Four Ways To Avoid Gardening-Related Injuries

Posted on: 23 October 2015

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission's estimation, in 2012, more than 100,000 people were affected by gardening-related injuries. Some of these less-severe gardening injuries are treated by U.S. orthopedics specialists, general practitioners and chiropractors. It's easy to see how such injuries can happen. Keeping your flower beds and lawns looking nice requires digging, hauling mulch and manure, and picking up heavy trees and shrubs. However, you don't have to settle for back pain or injury in order to have a well-manicured yard. [Read More]

Why Early Treatment Of Scoliosis Is Important To Your Child's Health

Posted on: 12 October 2015

Your pediatrician has noted that your child has a slight curvature of their spine. An examination by doctors in the spine medicine department confirms a diagnosis of scoliosis. This can be shocking news to parents, but if treatment is started early, the prognosis of your child developing a straight spine is good. Here is what you need to know about the treatment of this skeletal condition and why it's important to start treatment early. [Read More]

STD Testing: Knowing How Often To Get Tested And How To Interpret The Results

Posted on: 22 September 2015

STD testing is an important part of catching a condition early so that the condition does not have long-term consequences. Chlamydia left untreated, for example, can lead to infertility. But if you want to make sure you are fully protected, you will want to know how often you should get tested for STDs and how to interpret the results.  Have Regular Screenings If you are sexually active, make sure that you are screened for STDs every year, even if you are only having intercourse with someone whom you believe is free from STDs or was tested before you entered a relationship. [Read More]