Why You Need To Make Sure Your Child Is Vaccinated
Posted on:
6 May 2016
Today, many parents finding reasons not to vaccinate their children. You may wonder if vaccines are truly safe or if they can actually make your child sick. You should know that the risks associated with your child not getting vaccinated are great, especially in a world where people are traveling globally. Many people come into the US that have never been vaccinated, causing the risk of contracting eradicated diseases like measles and pertussis to be higher.
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A Bit Of Information On PET Scans And Cancer
Posted on:
21 April 2016
If your doctor has referred you to have a PET scan, you may be wondering what this type of scan is, and how it is different than an MRI or CT scan. Undergoing all the different tests and procedures to determine what is wrong with you can be scary when you do not understand the purpose behind them. Here is a bit of information about Positron Emission Tomography, or what is commonly called a PET scan.
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Avoid The Dentist And Don't See A Problem With It? How Your Health May Be In Jeopardy
Posted on:
5 April 2016
If you haven't been to a dentist in years and you don't plan on going anytime soon, it's important to know that you could be jeopardizing more than just your oral health. Instead, you could be putting several different areas of the body at risk, and you could be putting your life in jeopardy.
You need to make an appointment with a family dentist in your area so you can see if you have any problems like cavities, oral cancer or gum disease.
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Three Things That Indicate It's Time To Visit A Hearing Expert
Posted on:
4 March 2016
If you're over the age of 50, there's a one-in-six chance that you're suffering from some degree of hearing loss. While this statistic is concerning, it's also concerning that you might be living with decreased hearing without hardly recognizing it. It's easy to dismiss the inability to follow a conversation because of loud background noise or because the person was talking quietly, but if you notice that you're frequently making these excuses, it's a good idea to visit a hearing expert to have your hearing assessed.
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