Family History And Colonoscopies | Why You Should Know Yours
Posted on:
12 December 2022
When it comes to colon cancer, family history can play an important factor. Knowing your family's health history can help determine if you should have a colonoscopy and how early you should start getting screened. Here's why understanding your family's medical background is so important when it comes to colonoscopies.
What Is a Colonoscopy?
A colonoscopy is a medical procedure used to examine the inside of the large intestine or colon.
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Skin Rejuvenation | The Basics
Posted on:
7 November 2022
Have you ever wondered how some people always have such perfect skin? While it could be genetics, it is more likely that skin rejuvenation is one of their well-kept secrets. Skin rejuvenation is a catch-all term for various cosmetic procedures that aim to improve the appearance of the skin. It can be performed on any area of the body but is most commonly done on the face, neck, and hands. Here's what you need to know.
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When Do Bunions Warrant A Trip To The Podiatrist?
Posted on:
29 September 2022
Bunions are pretty common. For some people, they never become very serious and are more of a cosmetic issue than anything else. For others, bunions do become a medical concern, in which case, you should see a podiatrist for treatment. So, when do you know your bunions have reached the point of warrantying podiatric care? Here are some key signs.
Your feet hurt at the end of the day.
Everyone gets sore feet now and then.
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Audiologists And Hearing Aids | What You Need To Know
Posted on:
25 August 2022
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently created a new category of hearing aids that can be purchased over the counter. Much like grabbing a pair of reading glasses at the pharmacy without the need for a prescription, you can now grab whatever hearing aid seems to work and head to the check-out lane. Your hearing, however, is important and should not be relegated to grab-and-go. Audiologists and hearing aids work best together.
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