A Few Things To Know Before You Buy Your First Two Boxes Of Contact Lenses
So, you have decided to give up your prescription glasses and go with contact lenses. You have had the contact lens eye exam, tried the trial pair of lenses for a week or so, and have the prescription to order your first lenses. If you have an eyesight problem that requires special treatment, you will be ordering one pair of contacts to last for a year. However, if you are like most people, you will be ordering contacts that last anywhere from one day to a month. [Read More]
Improve The Odds For Health During A High-Risk Teen Pregnancy
Your teenage daughter is pregnant and life as you know it has changed completely. This pregnancy is automatically considered to be high-risk because your daughter's body has not finished growing to adulthood. Follow these tips to improve the odds of a healthy outcome for both your daughter and the baby. Find a Specialized Obstetrician You need to find a doctor that specializes in high-risk pregnancies. She will have the knowledge and skill to help your daughter through these 40 weeks. [Read More]
Gastrointestinal Health: What You Need To Know If You're On Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hormone replacement therapy can help you avoid hot flashes and other undesirable signs of menopause, but it can have pros and cons for your gastrointestinal health. Here's the latest on what research is finding about hormones and your GI tract. The Good News Researchers are finding links between reduced levels of colon cancer and use of hormone replacement therapy. Colorectal adenomatous polyps -- the growths that doctors look for in a colonoscopy that can lead to cancer -- are greatly reduced in women who take hormones during and after menopause. [Read More]
Maximize Your Health And Enjoy Bold Tastes - Organic Food You Should Be Sure To Purchase
The spread of health consciousness has driven the market in such a way that more and more groceries are offering organic products. When you go to the store, however, all of those options can seem overwhelming. Developing a stable knowledge about the organic items which are best for you and most essential will go a long way towards reducing that anxiety. Below, you'll find a guide to some food items that you should always attempt to buy the organic version of. [Read More]
Expecting? 3 Reasons Why You Should See A Chiropractor
If you're pregnant, you are probably dealing with a lot of discomfort in your back and elsewhere in your body. If you haven't yet thought about seeing a chiropractor, now is the time to schedule an appointment. Chiropractors aren't just for people who have long-term back problems; they can also help pregnant women to feel more comfort. These are a few reasons why a chiropractic appointment can be helpful for you. [Read More]
What Should I Know About Liposuction Surgery?
If you have problem fat areas that you need to shore up, lipoplasty, more commonly referred to as liposuction, is a great way to go about it. This is a method of fat extraction that will let you trim places in your body or face. This type of surgery is now tried and true, as a number of different people have taken advantage of it throughout the years. When you are considering getting this type of surgery, you should do your research and make sure you understand fully what is involved. [Read More]
A Constant Cough From Smoking: About Lung Cancer & Getting It Treated
Are you a smoker who has a cough that doesn't go away? The steady cough may be due to you experiencing a symptom of lung cancer, which requires prompt medical attention before the problem becomes worse. In this article, learn about lung cancer and why neck surgery may be necessary when it is treated. How Does Smoking Cause Lung Cancer? Smoking is harmful because it can cause severe damage to the cells that line your lungs. [Read More]
3 Hired Services That Can Make Life Easier For Your Elderly Parent
If you have an elderly parent who still lives at home, you are probably overjoyed by the fact that your mom or dad is able to remain independent. However, even the healthiest of elderly people can begin to deal with safety and comfort issues over time, so it's important to do what you can to make life easier. Fortunately, there are quite a few services out there that can be beneficial for elderly parents, and utilizing these services can help your mom or dad live independently, safely and healthily. [Read More]
A Couple Of Drug Addiction Treatment Questions
Drugs have the power to control a person's life, and this can result in failed relationships, careers and family lives. Unfortunately, the pull of addiction can be too strong for some people to overcome on their own, and in these instances, it may be necessary to seek out professional help to overcome this problem. However, many people are a very distorted view of the services provided by these professionals, and learning the answers to these routinely asked questions should give you a better idea of what to expect from this treatment: [Read More]
What You Need To Know About Deep Chemical Peels For Severe Skin Problems
For people who are looking to treat serious sun damage, hide blemishes and even help erase severe wrinkles, then chemical peels might be the answer. While there are different types of chemical peels, the most advanced form is a deep chemical peel, which penetrates the skin the most and can have the most dramatic results. Here is what you need to know about deep chemical peels, their impact on the skin, and the potential risks involved. [Read More]