What Back Pain Management Options Are There?
Posted on: 13 September 2019
Back pain management is an issue that often leaves people wondering what their options are. People frequently are reluctant to visit a back pain management facility, and many folks spend years treating major problems with home and over-the-counter remedies. It's a good idea, though, to learn what choices you have and how you can work with a doctor to explore them.
The absolute first thing that has to be done is to diagnose what's going on. Even if you've had extensive conversations with other doctors, it's prudent to talk with a professional who understands back pain management. The difference between dealing with a pulled muscle and spinal pain treatment, for example, can be vast, and the best solution is not always obvious to a doctor outside the field. All the acupuncture in the world isn't going to help if you need herniated disc treatment.
Modern imaging systems allow doctors to look deeper into the body than ever before. This is helpful in complex situations, such as when muscles are obstructing the view of underlying issues with the spine and nerves. A doctor will also talk with you about how the pain developed, what your situation is personally and occupationally, what your specific concerns are and how to proceed with treatment.
In the wake of the opioid epidemic, many people are reluctant to discuss pharmacological solutions with their doctors. When dealing with difficult forms of suffering, such as spinal pain treatment, it's a good idea to leave as many options on the table as possible. If you've had a history addiction, the important thing is to disclose this to your doctor and consider how to take that into account.
Physical Therapy
Even in cases where spinal pain and herniated disc treatment services are needed, some relief may be achieved through physical therapy. This may include developing routines that allow you to gain a better range of motion and avoid putting pressure on your back. Occupational issues should also be addressed, even if you have a seemingly sedentary job.
Ice, Heat and Rest
Old standbys deserve more credit than they get. A doctor can help you learn the right way to apply cold and hot packs to your back to help you achieve a degree of relief. Likewise, rest is sometimes just the best prescription.
While not the preferred option for most herniated disc and spinal pain treatment services providers, surgery may be necessary. It's a good idea to rule out other options first, though.
Contact a back pain management facility for more information.