Suffering From Early Prostate Cancer? Your Risk Of Death May Be Higher
Posted on: 29 March 2018
You have graduated college, found your dream job, got married to the woman you love, and have a small family. Unfortunately, your doctor is worried that you might have prostate cancer. Unfortunately, you are going to have to go through treatment sooner and with more vigor than an older man. That's because early prostate cancer is often deadlier in younger men.
Early Prostate Cancer Is Getting More Regular
While men over the age of 55-60 are much more likely to get prostate cancer than younger men, the development of early prostate cancer is on the rise. In fact, specialists have found that 10 percent of all cases of prostate cancer are in men younger than 55.
While that might not seem like a large number, it is still one of the most common types of cancers that affects young men. Even worse, the early development of this disease can put you in a dangerous situation because it is usually more severe in younger men than it is in older ones.
Why Early Prostate Cancer Is So Problematic
There have been multiple studies on the early development of prostate cancer and the way it effects young men. In just about every one of these tests, it was found that younger men suffered from more aggressive and deadly prostate cancer than old men. The exact reasons weren't too sure, but doctors believed that healthier and younger cells may feed into a more aggressive cancer.
As a result, a young man who is just starting a family may be at a higher risk of dying of prostate cancer than an older man. Therefore, they need to get into treatment very quickly and to get the spread of their tumor managed before it metastasizes and move outside of the prostate.
Managing This Issue
The aggressiveness of early prostate cancer means that doctors often skip earlier and less conservative treatments. For example, they may skip out on treatments like bone-directed treatments and instead try out surgery. However, there is also a chance that they will work with radiation or even chemotherapy to help kill the spread of cancer in a young man's prostate.
The one problem that may frustrate many men during this period is impotence. Many types of prostate cancer end up temporarily killing a man's ability to get an erection. While older men may not be as bothered by this issue, younger ones are more likely to be upset and require specialized help to deal with it.
But if you're a young man suffering from prostate cancer, it is important to ask yourself if temporary or even permanent impotence is too steep a price to pay. Being able to live long enough to see your children grow into successful adults should make it more than worth the risk. So don't hesitate to talk to a treatment specialist right away.
Contact a group like Advanced Urology Associates for more information.