A Tummy Tuck Can Target Your C-Section Woes

Posted on: 4 October 2016

Childbirth is an amazing and joyous occasion. However, some of the effects of childbirth can't be described with the same adjectives. This is especially the case for the 1 in 3 women who give birth by cesarean section. After a C-section, excess fat, loose skin, and weakened abdominal muscles are just some of the symptoms a new mother is left to endure. If this has been your experience, a tummy tuck may help.

What Is A Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, medically recognized as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that targets the abdominal area by removing excess skin and fat that has been left over from your pregnancy. In addition to these more superficial changes, a tummy tuck can also be performed to restore any separated or weakened muscles that may have been damaged during the C-section. In the end, you will be left with less fat and a firmer and smoother looking abdominal area.

The Ideal Candidate

A tummy tuck may not be a solution for everyone. Generally, the first requirement is that you allow time for your body to heal after the C-section. Some surgeons may perform a mini tummy-tuck immediately after childbirth, which only focuses on the area below the belly button. However, for a full tummy tuck, it's recommended that you give your body some time to heal before performing the operation, as performing the surgery prematurely could cause greater damage.

Your surgeon will examine you to determine if your body has healed sufficiently. An ideal candidate is also a female who is not looking to have any more children. A tummy tuck can be repeated; however, this only puts more wear and tear on the abdominal area, which can increase the risk of damage and produce less than stellar results.


If you are considering this operation, it's important that you be able to discern fact from fiction. One of the most common misconceptions about this procedure is that it helps with weight loss. Although a tummy tuck can remove excess fat, it is not a weight loss procedure.

If you aren't working to lose weight on your own, you will probably be displeased with the results. It's also important to note that a tummy tuck does not aide stretch marks. Only those marks that are covering the excess skin that is being removed will be addressed.

You can regain your confidence after a C-section. A cosmetic surgeon can discuss your options to determine what is best for you.
