Chemotherapy And Exercise: How Physical Therapy Can Help You Heal

Posted on: 2 August 2016

If you're currently or soon-to-be undergoing chemotherapy treatment, you may wonder how this will affect your usual exercise routine. While it's important to talk to your doctor about your specific case, below are the answers to three questions regarding exercise and chemotherapy and how a physical therapist can help.

Is It Safe to Exercise While Undergoing Chemotherapy?

The answer to this question will depend on a number of factors, and it's important to speak with your doctor prior to beginning an exercise routine.

For many patients undergoing chemotherapy, exercise can be beneficial. However, exercise can be unsafe if you're undergoing  particularly aggressive treatment, are struggling with fatigue or body pains, or if you were inactive prior to when treatment began. If your doctor has given you the go-ahead, exercise can be safe and helpful for chemotherapy patients and it can keep you active and less likely to suffer from certain side effects, such as muscle and joint stiffness and pain.

What are the Benefits of Exercise During Chemotherapy?

Whether you're undergoing chemotherapy or not, regular physical activity can keep your body healthy and your mind happy. As a chemotherapy patient, however, you receive a number of other benefits associated with exercise.

Chemotherapy, for example, has been known to weaken the bones in some individuals. In cases such as these, regular activity can help you with your balance and strength which will reduce your risk of falls and broken bones. For patients who're struggling with the emotional side effects of chemotherapy, such as lowered self-esteem and anxiety, exercise can help to boost your mood and keep you positive and confident.

How Can a Physical Therapist Help?

Under the direction of a physical therapist, you can be sure to receive the most benefits while still staying safe.

If you or your doctor are concerned that exercise may be difficult for you to do safely on your own, you may be referred to a physical therapist. A physical therapist can evaluate your physical condition and create an exercise program that will keep you healthy and safe. A physical therapist who works regularly with chemotherapy patients can help you to gain the most benefits from your exercise by working with you on specific goals, such as muscle strengthening and  balance.

To learn more about the benefits of exercise during chemotherapy, and to learn whether you're at a point in your treatment where regular exercise is safe, consult with your oncologist and request a referral to a physical therapist, like Genesys hospital physical therapy.
