Three Things That Indicate It's Time To Visit A Hearing Expert

Posted on: 4 March 2016

If you're over the age of 50, there's a one-in-six chance that you're suffering from some degree of hearing loss. While this statistic is concerning, it's also concerning that you might be living with decreased hearing without hardly recognizing it. It's easy to dismiss the inability to follow a conversation because of loud background noise or because the person was talking quietly, but if you notice that you're frequently making these excuses, it's a good idea to visit a hearing expert to have your hearing assessed. You can then get hearing aids to boost your hearing ability and even improve your quality of life. Here are three other things that can indicate your need to see a specialist.

You're Missing Common Household Sounds

Sleeping in because you didn't hear your alarm clock, having something burn in the oven because you didn't notice the timer going off, or missing phone calls are all signs that you could be dealing with some degree of hearing loss. Missing common household sounds can be an effective way to notice that your hearing isn't what it used to be because the level of these sounds stays constant; you can't blame your oven timer, for example, for not ringing as loudly as it usually does.

You're Finding A Way To Get Out Of Social Engagements

Another sign that you should schedule an appointment with a hearing specialist is that you're constantly finding excuses to stay home when you're invited to any type of social gathering. Being in public can be a challenge for people with hearing loss because background noise can drown out conversations and make interacting with people challenging and frustrating. If you've noticed that you're no longer making it a priority to do your favorite things out in public, such as go to a restaurant with friends, it could be a sign that hearing loss is dramatically impacting your life.

You Feel Exhausted After Family Events

While you might be able to talk your way out of social engagements, it can often be more difficult to avoid family events such as birthday parties. If you find that you're feeling exhausted and possibly even irritable at the end of such a gathering, it could be indicative of your hearing struggles. When your hearing isn't strong, you'll find that you're exerting effort – physically and even emotionally – to follow the conversations of those around you, which can be tiring.

For listening devices, contact a business such as Suburban Hearing Services
